Thursday, December 3, 2009

My Christmas Tree

I bought my little tree and all the decorations at Carrefour.  It was really exciting to buy all the Christmas stuff and peruse the season aisle.  I also bought some lights and decorations for my doorway.  It actually feels like December now!  It's amazing how little I notice about the months when I'm here because I'm not constantly inundated by seasonal commercials.

My Christmas tree still isn't without Chinese characteristics and is topped with a pretty scary looking Santa that was included in one of the decoration packets. 

I'm playing some Christmas music and drinking hot soy milk, wishing it was hot chocolate or a seasonal latte from Starbucks, but I gotta make do!


Sarah said...

you can heat soy milk? i wasn't sure if thats doable.. i didn't want it to turn nasty and curdle... yay i'm glad you have a tree and can enjoy some christmasness!

Unknown said...

HAHAHAHA...starbucks makes a soy chai late.. they steam the 'milk'..its sooo goooddddd!
I like the santa..he just seems to be from the handicap department! I'm going to miss you this break :(

Unknown said...

Carrefour is in China?? That's a French store :) I shopped there all the time. Nice tree, btw.