Thursday, March 25, 2010

Current addictions

- NPR podcasts: The Diane Rehm Show, Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me, Fresh Air, This America Life, etc.
- White Rabbit Candy: It might be dangerous and possibly poisonous but, damn, is it good. 
 - 红烧茄子 (hong shao qie zi): braised brown sauce eggplant, an addiction I have fueled since Summer 2007
- My VPN
- Studying Chinese with 田老师
  (borrowed from Liuzhou Laowai)
- Pretending I am in America
- Starbucks in China, pretending I am in America while studying Chinese
- Rob's copy of The Economist that is sent to him from Singapore and passed on to me
- Pretending to DJ for my students during break:  I am determined to make them like more than just sappy love ballads and pop groups from the 90's. 
- Yogurt: The yogurt I get here is so freaking good.  Probably because it's made with whole milk, but I also like to think that since I buy the Mongolian milk brand, it's a little tastier. 

to be continued...


Sarah said...

I love the Chinglish

Shikole said...

OMG star fucks. that made me really happy