Friday, January 8, 2010

My fan page has 500 members

Teaching is for the egotistical.  I mean, who else would put themselves up on a stage or podium to tell others about the alleged knowledge that they possess?  People who think they are awesome.

I think I am pretty awesome.  Clearly I do, since I blog about my life, assuming that I'm snarky and interesting enough for others to pay attention.  And, well, teaching oral English makes you feel pretty freakin' awesome.

It's like having a personal fan club of 50+ students with ten different sections.  They love taking pictures with/of me, saying "Hello teacher!" or "Hello Miss Alison!" on the street, and complementing me on my smile or telling me that I'm beautiful.  If you ever feel like you have a self-esteem problem, come to China and these students will throw so many nice things your way, you will feel like you are a model turned genius.

Here is a picture of my class 15, my highest level that I teach.  They are all pretty great and have a very good command of English.

(and if you are read my earlier post from Brandon/ Pine, he is in the middle, below the guy in the yellow striped sweater, named James)

They think I'm awesome.  Because I am.


*April* said...

I think you're awesome.

mark y. goh said...

you are my most awesome younger sister